刘海 bangs
齐刘海 blunt_bangs
卷发 curly_hair
钻头卷 drill_hair
包子头 hair_bun
包子头(两个) double_bun
马尾 ponytail
短马尾 short_ponytail
侧马尾 side_ponytail
姬切 hime cut
翘发 flipped hair
长发 long hair
单辫 single braid
低双辫 low twin braids
波浪发型 wavy_hair
短发 short_hair
长发 long_hair
很长的头发 very_long_hair
动物耳朵 animal_ears
狐狸耳朵 fox_ears
脏辫 dreadlocks
辫子刘海 braided bangs
发色 金发 blonde_hair
紫发 purple_hair
粉发 pink_hair
橙发 orange_hair
栗色 chestnut_hair
蓝发 blue_hair
黑发 black_hair
绿发 green_hair
红发 red_hair
灰发 grey_hair
银发 Silver hair
头部 面对观众 facing viewer
吐舌 tongue out
咬紧牙关 clenched teeth
微笑 smile
露齿笑 grin
坏笑 evil smileevil grin
得意笑 smirk
张眼哭 crying with eyes open
闭眼哭 Close your eyes and cry
蹲着 squatting
骑马 horse riding
泡温泉 half body under water
提裙 Skirt lift
坐在地上 sitting on the ground
站立 standing
弯腰 bent over
拉伸 stretching
躺着 lying on back
趴着 on stomach
侧躺 on side
坐着 sitting
w坐 wariza
胎儿姿势 fetal position
自拍 selfie
二郎腿 crossed_legs
跪姿 kneel
一字马 standing split
躺着 lying
手臂在背后 arms behind back
手 双手叉腰 hands on hips
手臂放头后 arms behind head
腿 手夹腿间 hand between legs
二郎腿 crossed_legs
膝盖向上 knees up
双腿并拢 knees together
脸 唱歌 singing sang
脸红 blush
尴尬害羞 embarrassed
单遮眼 hair over one eye one eye covered
闭眼 closed eyes
闭单眼 one eye closed
异色瞳 heterochromia
巫女服 Miko clothing
实验袍 lab coat
休闲服 casual wear
小披风 poncho
夏日长裙 summer long skirt
便利店工作服 convenience store uniforms
比基尼 bikini
系绳比基尼 string bikini
前系带比基尼上着 front-tie bikini top
解开比基尼 untied bikini
泳装 swimsuit
运动服 sportswear
连体泳衣 one-piece swimsuit
排球服 volleyball uniform
旗袍 china dress
水手服 serafuku
紧身衣 leotard
校服 school uniform
高领衬衫 collared shirt
紧身衣 leotard
无肩带紧身衣 strapless leotard
薄纱连衣裙 sheer tulle dress
背心 tank top
连身裙 dress
露背连身裙 backless dress
绕颈连身裙 halter dress
毛衣 sweater
高领毛衣 turtleneck sweater
罗纹毛衣 ribbed sweater
露肩毛衣 off-shoulder sweater
毛衣连身裙 sweater dress
肩膀切口 shoulder cutout
赛车服 racing suit
护士服 nurse
西装 business suit
露背装 backless outfit
圣诞装 santa
哥特洛丽塔风格 gothic_lolita
女仆装 Maid dress
修女服 nun gown
军装 military uniform
风衣 wind coat
汉服 hanfu
裙子 中国的衣服裙子 chinese clothes,china dress,
浸湿 soaked
透明晚礼服 [see-through:evening dress:0.3]
婚纱 wedding dress
吊带牛仔裤 Denim suspenders
牛仔裤 jeans
牛仔短裤 denim shorts
裤子 pants
吊带裤 trousers with suspenders
灯笼裤 bloomers
紧身裤 leggings
瑜伽裤 yoga pants
白裤袜 white pantyhose
过膝袜 thighhighs
黑丝 black stocking
网裤袜 fishnet pantyhose
裤袜 pantyhose
膝下袜 kneehighs
吊袜带 garter straps garter belt
皮鞋 leather shoes
高跟礼鞋 High heeled gift shoes
运动鞋 sneakers
交叉系带鞋 cross-laced footwear
靴子 boots
膝下靴 knee boots
短靴 ankle boots
系带靴 lace-up boots
乐福鞋 loafers
拖鞋 slippers
凉鞋 sandals
高跟长筒靴 High heeled boots
雨靴 Rainboots
手套 婚礼手套 bridal gauntlets
拳击手套 boxing gloves
长袖手套 elbow_gloves
手套 gloves
肘部手套 elbow gloves
无指手套 fingerless gloves
袖子 sleeves
宽袖 wide sleeves
分离式袖子 detached sleeves
手腕袖口 wrist cuffs
发卡 hairband
发花 hair_flower
蝴蝶结发饰 hair_bow
发环 hair rings
护士帽 nurse cap
皇冠 crown
贝雷帽 beret
眼镜 glasses
太阳镜 sunglasses
眼罩 blindfold
眼罩(独眼) eyepatch
耳环 earrings
项圈 collar
水手领 sailor collar
领结 bowtie
项链 necklace
三重冕 tiara
巫师帽 wizard hat
粗尾巴 giant green shark tail
十字架项链 cross necklace
手捧花(花嫁) Holding the wedding bouquet with both hands
背包 backpack
飞行护目镜, FLIGHT Goggles
耳机 headphone
棒球帽 Baseball cap
针织帽 ?Knitted hat
海军帽 naval cap
防弹背心 Tactical bulletproof vest
油纸伞 Oilpaper umbrella
南瓜灯 -lantern
兔尾 rabbit tail
围巾 scarf
女仆头饰 maid headdress
腰带 belt
发带 hair ribbon
颈带 neck ribbon
帽带 hat ribbon
大腿带 thigh strap
薄纱面纱 veil mouth veil
口罩 mouth mask
蝙蝠翅膀 bat_wing
头纱 veil
流苏 tassel
胸部 半露前胸(拉开衣效果) unbuttoned clothes
贫乳(A flat_chest
中等胸部(C medium_breasts
巨乳(E huge_breasts
南半球 underboob
乳沟 cleavage
侧乳 sideboob,